192 Please enter an imagebase name and a start directory.
193 Please enter a start directory
194 Please enter at least one image file type
198 An imagebase name must be entered.
199 No image found which matches your search
200 Unexpected search error!!
202 Image Title
203 File date =
204 File size =
205 Page
206 Error getting a temporary directory.
207 Error getting a temporary file.
208 Unable to Retrieve Image %1 from database.
210 Please decrease thumbnail size by less than 100 %!
224 QuickImage cannot find the selected image. Please select another drive to search.
225 Image Number xxxxxx of yyyyyy
226 Page nnnn of mmmm
227 %1 is not a proper imagebase, please recreate.
228 No files were added
229 No Images were found in the indicated directories.
230 Please wait while rotating image.
231 Finished rotating image.
232 At this time QuickImage can not print a multipage image record. If you need this image record printed you can export this record and use your wordprocessor.
233 The record space is too large to print with the image.
234 Exporting records to a text file, Please wait.
235 Finished exporting records to a text file.
236 Author Preferences can not be changed during a Search.
237 Problem: Asking for image name out of search mode
238 Must have a field name.
700 Updating image record
701 Image record updated
800 Not enough memory to complete operation. Please shut down any unnecessary applications and/or increase the size of your Windows virtual memory swap file. (See Windows documentation.)
801 QuickImage application error. Please contact the QuickImage Technical Support Representative and indicate the conditions which caused the error.
802 Please wait, repositioning to current image
803 Done repositioning
1300 *.tif
1301 *.pcd
1302 *.jpg
1303 *.pcx
1304 *.bmp
1305 *.wpg
1306 *.gif
1307 *.dcx
1308 *.eps
1309 *.cal
1310 *.ico
1311 *.pct
1312 *.xbm
1313 *.wmf
1314 *.tga
1315 *.img
1316 *.iff
1317 *.lv
1318 *.cut
1319 *.ica
1320 *.msp
1321 *.psd
1322 *.mac
1323 *.ras
1324 *.xpm
1325 *.brk
1326 *.clp
1327 *.gx2
1328 *.kfx
1329 *.xwd
1500 No current image record to remove
1501 Are you sure you want to remove this image from the imagebase
1502 There are no images to be purged from the image base.
1503 Purging deleted images from imagebase, please wait.
1504 Finished purging imagebase
1505 Save changes to the imagebase?
1506 The image base contains removed images, would you like to purge them now?
1507 All Images have been purged from the imagebase. Closing imagebase.
1508 Search results are corrupt. Canceling search.
1509 Too many user defined fields. You may only have %1 fields. Truncating to the maximum fields.
1510 Sorry, you cannot index two imagebases at the same time.
1511 %1 imagebase does not exist.
1512 Removing fields may result in a loss of data. Do you wish to continue?
1513 There is an imagebase current open with the name %1, you must close it before you can overwrite it.
1514 Only %1 fields are allowed. Please delete one before adding another.
1515 There are deleted images in the imagebase, would you like to purge them now? If the images are not purged their record data will still be indexed.
1516 %1 images of %2 were not loaded into the imagebase because QuickImage could not find them.
1517 The imagebase has removed images in it. They must be purged before the volume may be removed. Purge now?
1518 Marking images for deletion...Please wait.
1519 QuickImage could not find the requested image, please make volume %1 available and then select OK.
1600 QuickImage Author Version 1.1
1601 QuickImage Reader Version 1.1
1700 QuickImage could not read the status of the open file.
1701 This menu item is not yet implemented.
1702 Number of fields
1703 Field
1704 Index
1705 File is read only, cannot change imagebase
1706 Can not open the database %1
1711 Change the volumes for all the images in the imagebase to one volume.
1712 Change the current image's volume.
1713 QuickImage cannot determine which drive is the CDROM. Please select the CDROM drive.
1714 Finished Storing Images
1715 Storing images in imagebase...Please Wait
1716 Searching for Images...Please Wait
1717 Finished Searching for Images
1718 Saving Data...Please Wait
1719 Finished Saving Data
1720 Sorting Images...Please Wait
1722 Changing Volume Names...Please Wait
1723 Finished Changing Volume Names
1724 Updating Fields...Please Wait
1725 Finished Updating Fields
1726 Loading Thumbnails...Please Wait
1727 Finished Loading Thumbnails
1728 Finished Sorting Images
1729 Setting the imagebase up for indexing please wait.
1730 Finished Index Setup
1731 Add a new volume to the imagebase.
1732 Repositioning to first image.
1733 Repositioning to last image.
1734 Repositioning to image %1.
1735 Will the image(s) reside on %1 (the current volume) or on another volume?
5000 No error occurred.
5001 An undefined error occured.
5002 File not found.
5003 Bad Path.
5004 Too many open files.
5005 Access Denied.
5006 Invalid File
5007 Removing current directory
5008 The directory is full.
5009 Bad seek.
5010 Hard IO error
5011 Sharing violation.
5012 File lock violation
5013 Disk is full
5014 End of file.
32771 Load Next Image\nNext Image
32772 Load Previous Image\nPrev Image
32773 Get first image in imagebase\nFirst Image
32774 Update current image record\nUpdate Image Record
32775 Get last image in imagebase\nLast Image
32776 Add more images to imagebase\nAdd Images
32777 Goto Selected Image\nGoto Image
32780 Remove the current image from imagebase\nRemove Record
32783 Displays black and white images as grayscale images\nScale to Gray
32784 Rotate Image\nRotate Image
32785 Options for Image Records
32786 Import imagebase from text file
32788 Add Images by Directories\nAdd Images
32789 Display information about the current imagebase\nAbout Imagebase
32790 Rescan all drives to find which are CDROMs\nFind CDROM drives
32795 Modify the volume name list
32797 Index the fields of the imagebase\nIndex Imagebase
32798 Add, Change, or Delete User Defined Fields\nChange User Fields
32802 Show or hide the reader toolbar\nToggle Reader ToolBar
32803 Import records into an existing imagebase\nImport Records
32805 More information about the current image\nMore information
32806 Sort the imagebase\nSort
32807 Search the imagebase for images\nSearch
32808 Display Search Results as Thumbnails\nDisplay Thumbnails
32809 Clear Search Results\nClear Search Results
32810 Goto the Next Page of a Multi-page Image\nNext Page
32811 Save the Search Results in a separate file\nSave Search Results
32812 Goto the Previous Page of a Multi-page Image\nPrevious Page
32813 Goto Selected Page\nGoto Page
32814 Display Search Results as Thumbnails\nDisplay Thumbnails
32815 Export an imagebase as a text file\nExport Imagebase
32816 Set the author preferences\nAuthor Preferences
32817 Set the Author Preferences\nAuthor Preferences
32818 Purge removed images from the imagebase\nPurge removed images
32819 Restore current Image to imagebase\nRestore Image
32820 Edit the imagebase properties (Title, Copyright, and Author's name)\nEdit Imagebase Properties
32828 Change volume name for the current image\nChange Image volume name
32829 Rename an existing volume
32830 Assign all the images in the imagebase to the volume\nChange All Images' Volume Name
32831 Search All Fields\nSearch All Fields
32832 Configure CD\nConfigure CD
32833 Publish the current imagebase\nPublish imagebase
32834 Optimize display of multiple color images\nOptimize color images
32847 Display the images in a table view\nTable view
57344 QuickImage
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new imagebase\nNew
57601 Open an existing imagebase\nOpen
57602 Close the active imagebase\nClose
57603 Save the active imagebase\nSave
57604 Save the active imagebase with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active images(s), thumbnail(s), or record(s)\nPrint
57609 Preview image, thumbnail(s), or records(s) to be printed\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this imagebase
57617 Open this imagebase
57618 Open this imagebase
57619 Open this imagebase
57620 Open this imagebase
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active imagebase\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application\nExit
57666 List Help topics\nHelp Contents
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents